
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Quick updates

With the holidays and IDEX just around the corner, I decided I need to finish a few older sculpts which have been sitting around. Once I get caught up, I will go back to posting step by step tutorials for those of you who are interested.

Alice got her boots and stockings added.
Dorothy is close to being completed in the costuming.
I even went back to Red and the Wolf and added some clothing.

I will return to these for more detailed photos in the near future. Off to focus lights for A Christmas Carole, Have a great day!


  1. Oh Mark!!!!! I love them so much!!!!! Their clothing are just unbelievable~~~~ Please, if it's possible, could you please teach me how to make the boots. I would LOVE to be able to do them.

    Thank you so much for all that you do.
    Carla Goncalves

  2. Thanks Mark for sharing with us your work. Here I am careful to learn what you offer! Great Mark!!!

  3. Thank you Mark for sharing your wonderful sculptures with us. I am very excited to see them finished !!!!! I love your costuming, and I am with Carla I would love to learn how to make boots like that they are gorgeous !!

  4. and three makes it unanimous..the boots, please! I am so intrigued at how you make the boots, well, all of the clothing is always so wonderful, and diverse Mark! Love how you can drape a body, and still show all the contour, and shape! Mad skills, from a mad sculptor! Christel

  5. I love watching your work progress. I hope that I can make it to your workshop sometime. ~Judy =^..^=

  6. I can write a boots post. I think I did one for the Leprechaun a while back but would be happy to post another.

  7. Oh a tut on boots.... YES!!!! I would appreciate that VERY VERY MUCH dear Mark!! I would love to see how you make boots like the red ones,,,, boots with shoe laces!!! Hugs~ Carla Goncalves
