
Monday, November 28, 2011

More activity on the three ladies.

Well, even with a trip to the in-laws and a morning of refocusing lights, I was able to get some work done on a few of these folks.

Here is the cape on Red. Wanted to keep it simple so I did a little fancy sticking on the edges with  red thread so it does not stand out.
 The face ended up looking like a relative of mine.

 The bodice and grieve are leather with patterns burnt into the surface with my "stitching tool". The aging is done with he barrel of the tool. For those of you who may have missed this earlier post, the tool is a wood burner which has the tip filed down to make a set of holes and a burn which looks like thread going from hole to hole.
She has red leather boots with stitching as well. Need to weather all the leather now.
Now I like her without the wolf so I need to decide if this will be a single piece or if I am adding the second figure to her.

 Added hair to the Alice figure.

And for the last one... did a bit of work on Dorothy. I will post a step by step on applying her hair next time. (This is a request from a Facebook friend.)
Details on her next time- have a great day!


  1. Your sculptures are always wonderful and so real!!! I can not realize, you can tell me how much is red riding hood high? Because the details of the dresses and of the shoes are just incredible!

  2. STUNNING it certainly brightened up my Monday Yesterday when i saw the progress the ladies had made, the Hurricane is astonishing.

  3. what did you use for your tornado?

  4. She is beautiful!
    What ever happened to the mermaid and sailor - did I miss the completion post? I liked it so much because my hubby is a sailor
