
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

RAVEN - continued

Worked a bit on him yesterday and here is the finished (?) piece. May add some beads in a few days after we live together for awhile.

 Decided to do a white wash on the face with black shaded claw marks radiating from the hairline. Since this is not a portrait, I was able to use ideas from various face paints of Native Americans. The claw marks are carried into the chest region as well with a wash of black and extender.
 The straight black hair is added and soaked with styling spray so it can be posed almost strait out the back of the head. It blends well into the feathers attached to the back of the head.
 The base is simply a piece of an Arborvitae tree which I had trimmed earlier. It is soaked in sealer so the bark will not fall off.
 The skin around the feathers is painted black and blended onto the torso a bit so the transition from skin to feather is a bit blurred.
Finished! The figure is 12" tall, the entire piece is 16" with the height of the base included.  The wing is not removable but since the figure and the wing are in the same plane, they can lay flat in a long, narrow box for shipping.
Thanks for looking, have a great day!


  1. Absolutely amazing work. I am so glad I stumbled upon your work and blog. You are an inspiration to us fledgling sculptors.

  2. Looks Fabulous Mark! Really helped me with some angel ideas too:) Love it!

  3. Thanks for answering my question Mark, you've helped me with the size I'm looking at for my next sculpt... now to adjust the pose in my sketches to make it more dynamic.

  4. Mark, This piece is absolutely stunning... your work continues to grow. BeautifuL piece of work.

    It reminds me of the movie The Crow.


  5. This is a really nice and very interesting sculpture. I find it very interesting that you made him landing on his human foot on a branch rather than on his bird foot. I would have done it the other way since the bird foot has the better ability to grasp the branch. I find it interesting how different artists approach a similar event/problem/idea. I love the way you have attached the base feathers to the sculpture very nice and gives it a more natural appearance.

    Great sculpture.

  6. Marsha, with him shape~shifting from a Raven to his human form, i would iMaGiNe that the human foot would be more stable. just my thoughts...

