
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hi, thought I should update anyone out there who is still paying attention. I have decided to go back to my sculpting roots and start working in larger sizes in addition to the 12" art dolls. Decided I need the freedom of a large piece to let me relax my old hands and eyes.
Here is a sample of one of my new works in progress. Thanks for taking time to have a look-see.

 The face is seven inches high and will become a wall hanging.

 Thanks for looking, hope you have a great day. ( I will still be posting art doll techniques but will add some new larger figure techniques as well.)


  1. Thank you for showing! Would you be so kind as to tell us what kind of armature you used ?
    Thank you!

  2. always...thank you for letting us take a look see into your world. Looking forward to seeing how this one turns out. HUGS

  3. love the idea of a wall hanging

  4. Looks soooo good ... Thank you! Love to follow your works in progress. Hope I can follow you one day ...

  5. Awesome! I've never sculpted at that scale before, looks like it would be fun! I wanna try it too:)

  6. Hi Mark. You are such an inspiration to me. Your work leaves me breathless and in awe. Love to follow you. Sincerely Ann

  7. I've been wanting to sculpt a large bust like this but haven't tried yet. My old eyes could use a break from those tinies from time to time, too, so I'll be looking forward to seeing some tips and techniques on the larger heads, too! Can't wait to see this one finished! Is it done yet? :>)

  8. Such a large face must take up quite a bit of clay. How much would you use on a piece this size I wonder?

  9. Oh - I do have a question which I've been meaning to ask for a long time, and seeing your nice smooth and clean sculpted face here I was reminded... how does one manage to keep dust and bits of fluff and hairs off of your clay projects? I find that even washing hands and using putty rubbers to clean them, and hoovering the place never stops dirt getting on the sculpts and it is really frustrating. I've heard other people scrape it off with a knife, and I've even got an anti-static perspex tent to sculpt in as designed by OOAK-Sculptor on OOAKGuild, but I always find that dirt still finds its way onto the sculpt. Any tips for keeping them clean, Mark? :)


  10. Christine, The armature for this is just foil. I will cure the clay then remove the foil and reenforce the back of the piece to hang on the wall. Next one I will show the steps, just playing with this one.
    Alex, right now, I have about four lbs of clay on the form but I will remove some from the back before sculpting. I am just playing with what I have right now. When I do the next one I will go back to the wax I used for bronze casting to make the originals. To keep the clay clean: wash your hands regularly, wear white clothing, work fast so you are not letting dirt find its way to the clay, use baby wipes to keep your hands clean between washings. the best tip i have is this: Apply the clay then cut off the outer layer to shape it. This removes the dirty layer. Just smooth the planes down and you are done.

  11. Beautifully sculpted. Looking forward to seeing your larger scale work. As always thanks for sharing your tips. Hugs

  12. Thanks Mark. Your input is much appreciated! Hope I will be able to take a course with you in the near future!

  13. Great tips! Many thanks indeed :)

  14. Love to follow your works in progress! <3
