This is a complete six DVD set following the construction of a full figure art doll made of polymer clay. It is a real time sculpt of a female 12" figure shot over my shoulder so you see what I see. The DVD is shot in AVCHD format which works on newer (2006 on up) DVD players and computers. It is recorded on dual layer discs so very thin computers like Mac Books may not be able to play this.
This set is available as a six DVD set for those who do not have my older head DVD or as a five DVD set without the head DVD for those who have purchased the former head DVD.
Follow this link to our site to SHOP for your DVD needs: www.mad-sculptor.com
This is a complete two DVD set following the construction of a clothed art doll made of polymer clay. It is a real time sculpt of a male 12" figure shot over my shoulder so you see what I see. The DVD is shot in AVCHD format which works on newer (2006 on up) DVD players and computers. It is recorded on dual layer discs so very thin computers like Mac Books may not be able to play this.
Follow this link to our site to SHOP for your DVD needs: www.mad-sculptor.com