
Sunday, April 13, 2014


For this set of observations, I will be using a different figure because I sort of jumped ahead. So  here it is.

The figure is covered with a layer of conditioned clay about 1/4" thick.

The clay is applied in large pieces and compressed onto the armature. 

A central dividing line is laid into the figure on both the front and the back.

The torso is divided starting with a line from shoulder to shoulder which will become the collar bone. The second mark is one head height down from the collarbone. This will be about the location of the  base of the sternum. The next mark will be a head height lower and will denote the waist. The last head height will end at the front of the crotch ( the back side will be slightly lower).

Depressions are made from the sternum to the side of the body even with the waist mark. This is the bottom of the rib cage. A depression is created from the crotch to the side of the body slightly lower than the sternum/hip marker. This is the leg fold.

The armpit is formed by pressing below the armature wire for the arm.  This runs from the armpit to the small of the back along the latisimus muscles in the back and from the armpit toward the sternum in the front along the base of the pectoral muscles.

The back is completed by depressing a line down the spine and between the buttocks. This depression will stop below the small of the back then start again after it passes over the sacrum or the base of the spine.

The main fat, muscle, and bone structures are defined with the sculpting tool.

Next we will do the smoothing of the muscles after adding the head.
Thanks for joining me, have a great sculpting day!


  1. Hello
    Thank you for this tutorial. I learn a lot from it.
    I wish to ask something regarding the step of applying the clay on the armature: You do that very fast, but for me it takes much longer. What is the proper/best way to keep the unfinished clayed body between each session? Sometimes I can return to work on it only after few days. How would I keep to clay "fresh" enough so I could continue work on it after a while without deterioration of the clay performance due to its getting dry.

    1. Covering the piece with a plastic bag will keep it clean and hold the oils in the clay so it stays fresh.

  2. I am mesmerized at seeing you work.
