
Monday, January 21, 2013


The first mermaid is now fleshed out and gotten ready to fit onto the side of the boat.

Tail is shaped and scales carved into the clay.

The tail is colored with embossing powders on the raw clay.

Next time: finish the first mermaid and start the second.
Have a great sculpting day!


  1. My dear Mark tell me what a kind of tool did you use to make those scales? is it a tool you have handcrafted?

  2. I must thank you for sharing so much of the basics. I always have the sketches and the ideas and the clay but for me the challenge has always been the armature and the materials to carry out what I want to accomplish. You have saved me several times from a collapsing sculpture. Joy.

    1. IF you can buy his book, and DVDs, they are priceless with information and help. Of course taking a class would be better but when you can not, the above are great along with this wonderful blog.

  3. wow!!! amazing work....I am so loving your blog...well done!!!

  4. She is looking very beautiful Mark. You must be very proud of her.
    I cannot wait to see more.

  5. You should check out the amazing figure sculpting reference models at

  6. I just found your blog and am so happy! I have just started using polymer clay having used Classic Clay for my bronze sculpting, but now want to go this way. i am scanning your site for all tips and help I can get. Wonderful work!! Wish you were closer to Montana so I could come to a class, but will have to buy the books and DVDs as I can.
    Thank you! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Hallo Mark,
    ich bin begeistert von Ihren Arbeiten. Ihre Erklärungen begeistern mich, denn es ist selten, dass man einen Künstler so genau über die Schultern schauen darf. Vielen vielen Dank, das man bei Ihnen soviel sehen und lernen kann und darf.
    Nun bin ich gespannt wie es mit der Nixe weitergeht und bin mir schon sicher, das es fantastisch wird.
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Hi Mark,

    Thanks for showing and sharing your work with us.
    But could you inform me on how the embossing powder works on raw clay?
    I'am thinking on trying it out on my doll I am creating...and by reading of this idea you solved a problem for me....Anyway thanks for sharing your beatifull works with us!

    Kind regards,
    Kathleen (Living in the Netherlands)

  9. Oh my Goodness! I followed a link to your work from Pinterest. Your work and talent are stunning!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. VERY TALENTED have seen nothing like this here in Australia very detailed great blog as well...
    Thanks Jason

  11. Mark,
    Sorry, no Google account, I followed over from your Facebook post. Did you ever do a follow up on this project? The last post on it was in January. I'd really like to see the finished project.
    OPSEC Guy (FB)
