
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hair Tut

I was asked to run a hair tutorial so here it is.

 For this piece, I am using a section of Tibetan Lamb's wool which was dyed on the hide.
 A layer of Fabri-Tac glue is applied to the back of the head at the nape of the neck. This layer is about 3/4" high and runs from ear to ear.
 A row of hair is separated from the rest of the hide, held with my thumb and forefinger then cut off the hide.
This is pressed into the lower 1/2 " of wet glue from ear to ear.
 Holding the hair against the back of the doll with one hand, I use my thumb of the other hand to drag the loose hairs on top of the row up into the last 1/4" of glue.
 Hair is applied on the sides of the head in the same manner.
The hair is worked around the head with the hair radiating out from the crown of the head.

The front rows of hair are applied in smaller sections with the hair radiating toward the front of the face.
 Continuing toward the crown of the head.
 All filled in.
The hair is allowed to dry then styled with hair spray and a heat gun.

Hope this helps for those who asked. have a great day!


  1. I've always found wigging to be the most daunting part of the process when it comes to finishing the doll's "costume" yet you make it look soooo easy! Thanks!

  2. Ohh Mark...thank you for this tut. I agree with do make it look easy..LOL

  3. Love the wig info! I have used this same method but never with the lambs wool. I would like to try it. Could you please recommend a place where I could get the lamb's wool? Thanks for sharing! ~Judy =^..^=

  4. so glad to see this tut Mark, it makes me feel great that I am doing something right! I apply hair the very same way. Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us. If you get time in the future, would love to see how you create boots! They always look factory! Christel

  5. Thank you for the tut Mark! It's very clear :)

  6. Another nice tutorial Mark. Hope you are enjoying the Season :) HUGS, Sprite

  7. gracias por el tutorial amigo Mark, de veras necesitaba como colocar cabello a mis esculturas y ya lo estoy haciendo...muchas gracias¡¡¡¡

  8. Hi, thank you for this wonderful blog I have learnt so much from it. The only problem I have at the moment is the hands and was wondering if you use wire through the fingers, I have just mastered -after weeks of trying - to do the fingers without wire. But would you recommend wire through them. I know it's a bit cheeky to ask but it's driving me nutty trying to get them right. Lynn, from the UK
