
Monday, October 10, 2011

Armature layout

Had the opportunity to work up the armature layout. Here it is.

The figure will separate at the thigh under her dress. the rest is a basic armature of wire and tubing. The main support is going to be a steel rod which will run through the rabbit and up the leg.

Had a moment to work on these guys as well.

 I added her hair and a sheer white wrap with gold glitter in the weave.

Thanks for looking! Have a great day!


  1. Wow Mark they look so alive!!! They look so real awesome sculpting!!!

    Linda Moores

  2. Love that wind blown swirl look!

    On the Alice piece, How tall will it be? Thank you for sharing. ~Judy =^..^=

  3. wow Mark, the couple is stunning! so much movemant in this piece! You are a master..just beautiful.

  4. you are amazing...your immagination flows..the movement and the balance are stunning

  5. I love them this piece is stunning!

  6. Beautiful work ! Curious, are you using polymer or air dry clays. It's difficult for me to tell from the photos. I've been doing figural work in Fimo, but the knew air dries are fascinating me at the moment...

  7. mark...i have been reading through your blog for a day and am learning so very much. i have your book (a gift) but there is so much here that i would never have been able to figure out or find out from anywhere else. a most invaluble place forn a newbie. what i can see is doing it right from the ground up so that you have a quality piece of art in the finished product. thank you so much!

  8. I have just found your work and find it breath taking.
