
Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Hi! As a general rule about myself, if I do not keep working on a piece until it is done it never gets finished. I stopped work on Red and the Wolf and started a few other pieces over the last few weeks. Not really sure where I am going with them. Decided to paint them and perhaps it would inspire me to work on the. So, here is the finished painting (except eyebrows).

 Both figures were wiped-down with acetone to remove finger prints and open the pore of the clay for painting. Red was painted with a wash of extender/retarder and Adobe Red acrylic paint which was brushed on the wiped off. An other layer of red was dry-brushed onto the cheeks, chin, forehead, and nose. I also do the same to the high spots of the body.
The wolf is painted with a wash of Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, and extender/retarder which was wiped off. The same mix was then used to darken the lupine parts of the wolf while the human parts are left slightly stained.
Bad shot, sorry! lips are done with the same red wash but left a little thicker. Eye makeup is done just like street make up but done with paint rather than powders. You can use powders if you wish. I prefer to paint since my training is in theatre make up which acts more like paint than powder make up does.
They are ready to have their hair attached. Perhaps this weekend. Now back to Elphaba!
Have a great day!


  1. Looking great, Mark! More, please! :)

  2. Dear Mark, it is possible to enlarge the photos are more for before was great to appreciate them in large format when I clicked on the photo. Thank you. a hug

  3. Very intriguing Mark. Looking forward to seeing it finished.
