
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Little bodywork

I thought I would take a closer look at the steps I follow to make a full body sculpt. After completing the armature, I condition a batch of clay and pack it onto the armature so it is over-sized. I have found that ProSculpt clay works best for me if I add too much clay at the start then cut away the excess.
 The back. You may want to run the clay onto the arms and legs so you can sculpt the torso without having to add or reduce clay to your finished work at the shoulder and hip joints.
 Use a tool to run a series of markers on the surfaces of the torso. This include the spine, hips, ribcage, and larger muscle masses.
 The same is done to the front.
 And the side.
 A sharp knife is used to cut the planes of the torso.
 The large planes are then knocked down a little at a time.
 A smaller flat edged tool is used to begin smoothing the shapes of the muscles.
 The finished rough-in is done and is ready for the final shape and smoothing.
 This piece will have more defined muscle so before the final smoothing I mark the muscle groups by adding slight depressions with a sculpting tool.
 The final smoothing is done on the right side of the figure. You can see the muscles showing slightly in the surface of the smoothed surface.
 The front is smoothed down.
 The arms and legs are sculpted in the same way. Final details are added including surface texture, creases, and skin tension.

 The two figures are almost ready. Now is the time to make final adjustments to the pose.

Thanks for taking a look.
Have a great day!


  1. Oh!!! ooohhhhhh....I am totally and truly in awe...WOW!!! the expression on the female's face is so captivating...this is one of those amazing pieces. Master piece among Master artist's work. My creative soul is totally delighted!!!! I love the dynamic between the figures. Not just the body gesture, pose....but expression... priceless. Last pic looks like a still from some very well acted and directed movie. As you can tell I am totally swooning over it!! It is just one of those 'out there' 'makes you feel lucky that you saw it' piece. It has that little extra. Oh my gosh!! In love totally!! I wish I could have seen it in person!! Keep creating always...

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your work Mark. I am amazed how how they seemingly come to life before our eyes..I know the wolf will growl, and Riding hood will scream at any moment!Truly amazing talent! xoxo Christel

  3. Your unfinished work reflects so much drama and movement LOL! Your work is truly amazing to watch in progress and to see it all unfold. Thank you so much for sharing this wee window into your world.

  4. Great, as always. Can't wait to see it finished!

  5. Amazing as always!
    Please can you tell me if you paint your eyes and if so, what paint you use. Thank you for sharing your amazing art with us!

  6. I'm in love with all the muscle work !! looking fantastic and very dynamic.

  7. Очень хочется смотреть поближе, могли бы вы ставить фото с увеличением,и запекаете все целиком? за один раз или несколько раз запекаете.Более замечательных кукол не видела.Расписываете маслом?

  8. You are my hero.... when I grow up I want to be j u s t like YOU!!!!! hugs. carla goncalves

  9. Your work is truly amazing Mark, I love watching your pieces come to life, Thank you so much for sharing.
