
Friday, April 8, 2011


Well, only got 19 responses from  300+ followers so we will use some of those ideas for the next sculpture. Thanks to those who suggested things; some a bit odd, some intriguing.
Here it is:
This is my design for a piece I like to call "Exercise Your Demon". It shows that most scary things seem silly when taken out into the open. (Homage to my wife the psychotherapist)
So here is what we will be addressing from your list of wants:
1. A small child in action (we will look at the proportions of the child). We will also cover putting clothes on a full figure sculpt.
2. An armature for a more complex set of figures where the largest figure seems to have little support.
3. More expressive faces.
4. A hybrid creature- in this case a sumo wrestler and an octopus.
5. Tentacles and how to get them to not break for shipping.
6. Sculpting a "nightmare".
7. Maybe we can add a tattoo to the critter just because you asked so nicely.

Sorry that we won't be getting to the Equine hybrid for those who asked. Good idea, maybe later this year.
This is the rough design. Hopefully the final piece will flow a little better. I definitely do better with sculpture than I do sketches.
We will start next time with laying out and creating the armature for this piece.
Have a great day!


  1. Very KEWL..looking forward to this...Thanks Mark !!

  2. Aha! I was hoping for a child sculpt but was hesitant to ask...who knows why?! I am glad someone else did, though. Eager to this in production. Thank you!

  3. Mark, I just can't wait!!! I would love to sculpt along, but you are too fast for me! Will look closely though!!!

  4. Patrizia, I promise to go slowly with this one. I will space out the posts to give anyone who wants to work along a chance to ask questions before moving to the next steps.

  5. Love the concept! From my perception I see a low self esteemed OctoSumo who can not see his inner beauty. His demon, being in the form of the perfect beautiful child, keeps his true kind self chained to a shy personality with no confidence. :) Wonderful Mark!!

  6. your creativity never ceases to amaze me! :)

  7. Mark, I have been reading all of your blogs. I am going to try my best to follow along with this one. Very intriguing.

  8. Love the Demons face! Perfect for this setting. Can hardly wait to see more. Love the drawing too!

  9. I am so glad you will be going a little slower for us that are not quit as skillful at sculpting. I love this and hope I can follow along. It looks like it will be a lot of fun! Thanks Mark for sharing you talent with us...

  10. I've been following all your latest posts and thank you for sharing. I'm working hard to finish a big project so I can participate with you in your sculpts. I truly appreciate what you're doing.

  11. Intriguing and very deep!! Love it!

  12. I wish I could keep up, too. Maybe a little slower will give me that chance. I'll be following along closely though. This is going to be an absolute blast to see how you do this one! Amazing. And, thanks for possibly using the tattoo idea, too. That is one technique that I have to learn, but seeing this demon in the air like this has my mind going wild with ideas already! I love your creativity and envy you for having it. Do you see how green I am? LOL

  13. Mark you are too, modest, great rough sketch.

    This is going to be so much fun, so many ideas all rolled into one and even a SPeCiAL homage to KeLLy!


  14. WOW! i love the concept and the sketch :D would love to play along, let's see if i can squeeze in some time.....can't wait to see your final result!

  15. Yippee!!! Original and intriguing. I am going to love to sculpt along. Thank you!

  16. Sweet! Looks like its gonna be a fun one! I can't wait to get started!

  17. Such a great concept I love it! This is going to be fun :) And I love Mamie's view of it being reversed, wow!

  18. Mark, you are the best!!! Thank you so much!!! But maybe you don't know you are too fast even when you go slowly! LOL

  19. Patrizia, If we go any slower, we will be going backwards;)

  20. This is so generous of you!!! Thank you, vielen lieben Dank!!!

    I'm still struggling with the anatomy and proportion, but will happily watch you making your art.

    Best wishes from Germany,
