
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Enough about the simple armature already1

Working on these two figures and decided that I would put them on the blog as an example of using the simple armature.
 Each of these figures uses the simple wire armature laid out in previous blogs. The armatures have tubes on the wire in the legs only.
The wires in the arms stop just inside the palm of the hand so the figures can be separated from each other.
Once the figures were sculpted as separate pieces, they were lightly dusted with baby powder so they could be worked together without the clay fusing them to each other.
The hands were added after the figures were intertwined.
His arm has been raised to her elbow, I'll show you that later.
Have a great day!


  1. Wow... they are beautiful. I can't wait to see them finished.

  2. Beautiful, and the flow of the piece is fabulous! Can't wait to learn more!! All of your information is just priceless!!!

  3. Absolutely stunning piece of art! Love it love it love it! <3

  4. Wow - beautiful figures- so real!

  5. I LOVE this piece! Its so beautiful and graceful. Can't wait to see them finished

