
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Leprechaun (paint and hair)

 Last time we cured this little guy so today we will paint and hair him. The following steps have been done: (just a check list for those sculpting along) Whole body is cured, pose changed, repairs cured.
Superheated the ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, entire arm, hands and fingers, and ears.
Fingernails are applied and cured with the heat gun.

He is now painted with my basic mix of Raw Umber, Raw Sienna, and extender. This is wiped off and while he is still wet a wash of Adobe red and extender is used to "pink" him up a bit. This is wiped of as well and as he dries I dry brush some red into the hi light areas of his hands and face. He is aged a bit by brushing some Wedgwood Blue into the temples, under the eyes, and the furrows in the back of the hands. Some dark purple veins are added in the furrows of the hands just above the knuckles.

He is done painting and ready for hair.

 I decided on am "Amish" look of beard with no mustache. A very coarse goat hair is applied in layers to the chin and around the back and sides of the head. This hair is great because it has brown, red, and gray fibers in it.
His eyebrows also get some hair.
He is ready for some clothing next time. Have a great day!


  1. why & how did you superheat his ears?
    hugs Karin

  2. I superheat the ears with the heat gun I use on everything else because they stick out so far they can break off in shipping.

  3. Can I ask how close you hold the heat gun ? and for how long ? I assume this technique makes those areas much stronger.


  4. Placement of the heat gun will be determined by the gun and the location. My gun has a hot spot toward the bottom of the gun so I have to watch that those areas hit by the heat do not scorch. A general rule is about four inches away from the object , keep moving the gun back and forth, and use it for about 30 seconds. You will need to experiment with thin areas, thick areas, fingers, etc. to get what works best for you and your gun.

  5. Thank you. I would love to come and take a class but I live in the UK. I do own your book ( The Human Figure in Clay ) and constantly look back on it.


  6. How do you attach the hair??
