
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

SATYR (Torso Day 3)

The next few days will be rather sparse as we have already done the sculpting aspect of the male figure with our Tristan sculpt.
We will however mix this up a bit by doing a more advanced technique.
As before, the clay is conditioned and applied to the armature . we are trying to get about 1/4" to 1/2" of clay covering the torso. When not sculpting with a class, I like to place clay on the upper arms and legs so the transition to the limbs is smoother and requires less reworking.
 As I work i will press (not drag) the clay into the rough body shape. Dragging the clay will capture air bubbles under the upper layer of clay which means more moonies in the finished work..
 Any low spots are filled or beefed up with clay shaped to the muscle masses.
 The muscle and bone structure is noted in the clay surface.
Be aware that the body is twisting from the hips to the shoulders. The shape of the pelvis always stays constant no matter how you twist the torso. This is a bone structure which will rotate on the spine and tilt from side to side. You cannot push one side forward without rotating the other side back. The same is true for raising the hip. As on hip rises, the other drops. The entire structure can be tilted forward and back as well but the spacing of the hips and alignment of the pelvic structure will remain the same.

The ribcage follows the same rule as the pelvis. It has a little bit of flex and can compress and stretch but for the most part, the entire structure from shoulders to base of the ribs will move as a unit.

Note how the center line of the torso twists to keep the body symmetrical.
 Our satyr has one arm raised and the shoulders arch from side to side. This action on each arm will make the chest muscles pull and flatten across the top of the ribcage.

The side view shows the intersection of the bicep and triceps of the arm with the chest and back muscles forming an "X"
Complete the muscle layout. Be sure the back center line follows the same twist as the front center line.

The final shaping and smoothing is finished. Some creases and folds are detailed. Veins are not detailed until the last step. He will also remain a Steer until the final detailing is done.

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