
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SATYR (detailed Day 7) Contains male nudity

Sorry for the delay, Monday was a non-stop day! Please expect future days to be without posts as I get back into the swing of working with the high school students on the set, try to finish my parents odds and ends, and maybe, just maybe sculpt something to sell.

Short post today. The male has been detailed and is ready to cure. I have decreed today a sculpting in my jammies day so I will cure the Satyr then start the nymph.

 All rough sculpting is finished, Now the details can be completed since I need not hold onto the body to add or shape anything.
Veins are added (note the forearm) by using a round-ended tool such as a stylus to press the skin to each side of the vein. The ridge of the vein is rounded over with your finger and the ridge beyond the vein will be blended back into the skin surface.

Muscles on the ribs are added. As the torso twists the skin of the abdomen will pull and show stress. Sometimes these are folds but in this case they are merely slight ridges and valleys.
Nipples are sculpted onto the pecs. The nipples are placed lower than a woman's on the chest.

The scrotum and penis are attached and some veining is sculpted into the lower abdomen and inside the thighs.
Creases are added  where the skin slips under other layers of skin at joints, Keep in mind that creases are not sharp. The surfaces of the skin will round off so the transition from skin surface to crease is flowing.

He will now go into the oven. His hands will be tented with foil to keep them from darkening as he cures.

Hopefully we will have a cured piece to examine tomorrow. (If we are real lucky, it will crack and we can look at a repairing how to)
Have fun sculpting and have a great day!


  1. Thank You so much for sharing all of this incredibly helpful info with us, not to mention the pleasure of viewing step-by-step this beautiful piece come into being! You truly are amazingly talented!

  2. amazing!!!! thank you so very much for sharing.

  3. AWESOME!! Thank you for sharing this amazing sculpting journey!!

  4. Wow, you are so amazing! I wanta grow up to be just like you. LOL thank you for doing these tutorials. I haven't done one yet, but I have learned so much from you.

  5. He looks AMAZING!! Cant wait to see the nymph =) Shannon

  6. Looks great Mark! I have a question for you though, how do you "tent" your sculpture? Does the tin foil rest on the sculpture itself and do you have to worry about the clay burning where it touchs? I have never thought of using tin foil before and I have a problem with occasion finger burning:)


  7. I wrap prebaked parts like hands, fingers, ears, or toes with dampened paper towel pieces. Make sure it does not touch unbaked clay.

  8. Just happened upon your blog, Mark. Very inspirational and informative. I have sculpted fantasy figures over the years but have just created my first armature for an 8" hobgoblin.. and i find the process a bit daunting; being new territory.
    Thank you for sharing your talent.

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