
Thursday, January 27, 2011

NYMPH (costume)

Well, as I was searching the boxes of fabric for Leprechaun clothes last night I found some clothes which the nymph as gracious enough to try on. She liked them so here is the bit of info about her bit of clothing.
I decided that the general feeling of this piece was a bit classical Grecco/Roman so I an going with the common depiction of the nymph as a nearly naked young maiden with diaphanous wrappings rather than a winged creature.

 The fabric is a light tan silk scarf which some wonderful person or machine was kind enough to hem with a 1/8' hem all around. I cut off a quarter of the scarf and spent forever slipping an 18 gauge wire into the hem.
I have a triangle shaped piece of cloth with wire on two edges now. One  corner without wire goes from the waist over the shoulder and back to the waist in the front. The wired edge wraps around the waist and attaches to itself.
The wire is posed to hold the cloth away from her body on the left side.
 The rest of the cloth is turned under itself and tacked to points on her body to hold it in the position I want.
On top of the tan scarf I added strips of a white scarf which has had its edges fused with a flame. The white cloth is used as an accent sash which wraps around her waist and hangs in the front and back of her legs. It breaks up the tan color as well as hiding the wire at her waist a little more. I hope to finish the final details today and mount them on a base for our next meeting. First, I need to finish shoveling the ten inches of snow in my loooong driveway! Have a great day!


  1. I really like the way the wire makes the fabric flow as if it were caught by the wind of her flight. I can't wait to see the final product! I am working on a male right now, costuming is not my forte so he is being difficult. I would love to know more about more intricate costuming too.:)


  2. Beautiful work on her costume. Simple and free flowing. I've used hair spray with natural fibers to hold it in place. Starch works well too. I love the way that you have used the wire in this case. So thrilled with everything that you have shared. Many thanks, wish I could shovel the drive for you!

  3. Bravo ! this is an AMAZING piece! i enjoyed watching the whole process of creating this magical scene. And the Satyr will stay in my mind as the best Satyr ever.

  4. She looks wonderful !I love the way you have captured movement with her costuming, and the simplicity of it just enhances your sculpt.

  5. I love it, I can't wait to see the base :)


  6. Love her clothing, Mark! I think you captured her very essence with the costuming she so graciously agreed to try on for you! :)

  7. Incredibile posa e realizzazione!
    Complimenti sinceri!
