
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The madsculptor blog: WHY?

I want to thank so many of you for following, dropping in, or working along with this blog.
This blog was started as a way of giving away some of what I have been given over the last 30 years in theatre, fine arts, and now in art doll making.

I enjoy nothing more than helping new artists get started or helping established artists find a new way to see or approach this art form. As such, I have encouraged you all to sculpt along with me as a tool for you to understand my approach to this medium.

This "sculpt along" concept was my attempt at showing my approach to my techniques based on my designs. I hoped that artists would take the concepts and create his or her own artwork based upon those concepts as he or she developed a unique piece. I never intended to have my work copied inch by inch.

I am finding out that this is not the case and I assume full responsibility for this mistake on my part.

I hoped to create a balance between giving all the information which I can without giving away my livelihood which is based upon my unique sculpting style, my classes, and my books and DVD's. I couldn't care less if I sell another book or DVD. (my publisher does!) However, I was hoping to see other artists work appear based on the principles of a suspended piece. My fear is that in a few weeks there will be a flood of copies of my work hitting the market which will limit my ability to sell my art at the price I have worked so hard to establish.

I am appealing to all of you working along to take and use this information but to alter the sculpt design to make this your unique piece as many of you have. If you feel the need to duplicate my design in order to gain experience, I fully understand. All I ask of you is that you keep the finished piece as a study model for yourself alone. Please do not then sell that copy as your work of art.

I have heard from a number of you regarding this issue and want you to know how much I appreciate your support and understanding.


  1. I want to thank all of you who posted comments from yesterday. I have read them and deleted them as well. As I stated, the fault is mine in that I did not make my intentions clear at the start so I omitted posts that may make anyone feel bad about what happened.
    Thanks, Mark
